SAFELY COMPLETE A GAS SYSTEM SHUTDOWNWe provide all of the equipment you need to safely complete a gas system shutdown, including:
Cryogenic and high pressure regulators for all gases.
Oxygen cleaned bagged hoses for both cryogenic and high pressure applications.
All adapters and other accessories to provide back-up services for all gases using existing zone valve assemblies, medical gas outlets, or Emergency Oxygen Supply Connection Boxes.
Portable vacuum pumps with both constant and intermittent suction included with carts for easily transporting throughout facility.
Single and double carts for medical gas H cylinders.
Portable cryogenic vaporizer for back feeds using cryogenic medical gases.
Up to six two way radios for technicians to communicate without interrupting facilities communications.
We also provide:
Up to six experienced technicians all carrying several medical gas credentials to hook-up and administer gases to pre-determined locations.
On-site analysis of medical gases using gas specific analyzers prior to hooking up to facility piping.
Free on-site analysis of existing medical gas system and suggestions for future upgrades.
Custom medical gas outlet repair Took Kits for most standard medical gas outlets.
For more information please email us, request a quote, or call toll-free 888-633-4494.